Thankyou for considering Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Pekanbaru in your search for education institution for your children! We are here to provide you with all the information you may need.

The required documents are as follows :
- Registration form
- Copy of the Birth Certificate (2 copies)
- Student’s headshot photo 2x3cm (2 photos)
- Copy of Family Identity Card (2 copies)
- Copy of student’s report card from previous school (for transfer students only)
- Statement letter from previous school (for transfer students only)
Dokumen yang dibutuhkan adalah sebagai berikut :
- Form registrasi
- Akta kelahiran siswa (2 kopi)
- Pas foto siswa 2x3cm (2 lembar)
- Kartu keluarga (2 kopi)
- Buku Laporan Perkembangan Siswa dari sekolah sebelumnya (khusus murid pindahan)
- Surat Keterangan Sekolah Asal dari sekolah sebelumnya (khusus murid pindahan)
Registration Fee :
Primary School (SD) and Taman Azhar/TK
Form fee + preliminary test fee (including psychological screening) Rp. 350.000 (for new students) / Rp. 450.000 (for transfer students)
SD dan TA/TK
Pendaftaran (formulir) + Biaya Test Pengenalan Lingkungan dan Kesiapan Sekolah (Psikologi) Rp. 350.000 (for new students) / Rp. 450.000 (for transfer students)
Register Now
Thank you for choosing our school
Welcome aboard to the big family of Al -Azhar Syifa Budi. Looking forward to meeting you soon!